This 'Happy New Year'.
Yes, I wish everyone contentment and a good life. But, I can't help thinking that 'happy' is a fallacy.
Life includes moments of joy, loss, sadness, tragedy, exhaustion, motivation, beauty and pain. Always.
This isn't 'happy' .
Know what makes you content, and fulfilled. Acceptance of all that you find along your path that is the life you have. Be it 'good' or not so. Above all, acceptance of yourself, as you are, now and every day in the future. You are always with you, and if you don't like your company?
Life is not a party, it's not dancing around with champagne and sequins. Sometimes it is and can be, others, sitting in a dark room wracked with difficult emotions.
My chosen path is try to see, be aware of all that I can and to sit with it, accept it. To notice the joy, beauty in so called small things. Things that are actually huge; birds, nature, sunrise, the sound of wind in the trees, light glistening on the waves of the ocean.
After all, there is nothing of worth beyond love. That's it, but, it's everything.