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  • Writer's pictureVictoria Orsini

Why Yoga?

What is yoga?

Literally, ‘Yoga’ refers to a yoke, as in animals, traditionally Oxen, where a yoke was worn to keep them productive.

I'm sure most of us know about the concept of the ‘monkey mind’?  Active, capricious with thousands of thoughts swirling around of varying degrees of relevance and magnitude.  I recently read that 47% of thoughts have never and will never happen.  While this number seems arbitrary, if true it represents a potential use of half of our mind space on irrelevance.

The yoke, applied to yoga, gives us potential for a moving meditation that releases us in part from the monkey head space into our bodies, the present moment with valuable by-products of strength, flexibility and balance.

Yoga is a choice, a journey with no final destination apart from working to be our best.

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